.. _tutorial: Tutorial ======== .. index:: single: Tutorial Installation ------------ .. index:: single: Installation; distlib Distlib is a pure-Python library. You should be able to install it using:: pip install distlib for installing ``distlib`` into a virtualenv or other directory where you have write permissions. On POSIX platforms, you may need to invoke using ``sudo`` if you need to install ``distlib`` in a protected location such as your system Python's ``site-packages`` directory. Testing ------- .. index:: single: Testing; distlib A full test suite is included with ``distlib``. To run it, you'll need to download the source distribution, unpack it and run ``python tests/test_all.py`` in the top-level directory of the package. If running the tests under Python >= 3.2.3, remember to first set the environment variable ``PYTHONHASHSEED=0`` to disable hash randomisation, which is needed for the tests. (The environment variable also needs to be set if running Python 2.x with ``-R``. which is only available in Python 2.6.8 and later.) .. index:: single: Continuous integration status; distlib Continuous integration test results are available at: https://github.com/pypa/distlib/actions Coverage results are available at: .. index:: single: Coverage status; distlib https://app.codecov.io/gh/pypa/distlib Note that the actual coverage is higher than that shown, because coverage under Windows is not included in the above coverage figures. Note that the index tests are configured, by default, to use a local test server, though they can be configured to run against PyPI itself. This local test server is not bundled with ``distlib``, but is available from: https://raw.github.com/vsajip/pypiserver/standalone/pypi-server-standalone.py This is a slightly modified version of Ralf Schmitt's `pypiserver `_. To use, the script needs to be copied to the ``tests`` folder of the ``distlib`` distribution. If the server script is not available, the tests which use it will be skipped. Naturally, this will also affect the coverage statistics. PYPI availability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: Tests; speeding up If PyPI is unavailable or slow, then some of the tests can fail or become painfully slow. To skip tests that might be sometimes slow, set the ``SKIP_SLOW`` environment variable:: $ SKIP_SLOW=1 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python tests/test_all.py on POSIX, or:: C:\> set SKIP_SLOW=1 C:\> set PYTHONHASHSEED=0 C:\> python tests/test_all.py on Windows. First steps ----------- For now, we just list how to use particular parts of the API as they take shape. Using the database API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: APIs; database .. currentmodule:: distlib.database You can use the ``distlib.database`` package to access information about installed distributions. This information is available through the following classes: * :class:`DistributionPath`, which represents a set of distributions installed on a path. * :class:`Distribution`, which represents an individual distribution, conforming to recent packaging PEPs (:pep:`643`, :pep:`566`, :pep:`508`, :pep:`440`, :pep:`386`, :pep:`376`, :pep:`345`, :pep:`314` and :pep:`241`). * :class:`EggInfoDistribution`, which represents a legacy distribution in egg format. Distribution paths ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :class:`Distribution` and :class:`EggInfoDistribution` classes are normally not instantiated directly; rather, they are returned by querying :class:`~distlib.database.DistributionPath` for distributions. To create a ``DistributionPath`` instance, you can do :: >>> from distlib.database import DistributionPath >>> dist_path = DistributionPath() Querying a path for distributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this most basic form, ``dist_path`` will provide access to all non-legacy distributions on ``sys.path``. To get these distributions, you invoke the :meth:`~distlib.database.DistributionPath.get_distributions` method, which returns an iterable. Let's try it:: >>> list(dist_path.get_distributions()) [] This may seem surprising if you've just started looking at ``distlib``, as you won't *have* any non-legacy distributions. Including legacy distributions in the search results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To include distributions created and installed using ``setuptools`` or ``distribute``, you need to create the ``DistributionPath`` by specifying an additional keyword argument, like so:: >>> dist_path = DistributionPath(include_egg=True) and then you'll get a less surprising result:: >>> len(list(dist_path.get_distributions())) 77 The exact number returned will be different for you, of course. You can ask for a particular distribution by name, using the :meth:`~distlib.database.DistributionPath.get_distribution` method:: >>> dist_path.get_distribution('setuptools') If you want to look at a specific path other than ``sys.path``, you specify it as a positional argument to the :class:`DistributionPath` constructor:: >>> from pprint import pprint >>> special_dists = DistributionPath(['tests/fake_dists'], include_egg=True) >>> pprint([d.name for d in special_dists.get_distributions()]) ['babar', 'choxie', 'towel-stuff', 'grammar', 'truffles', 'coconuts-aster', 'nut', 'bacon', 'banana', 'cheese', 'strawberry'] or, if you leave out egg-based distributions:: >>> special_dists = DistributionPath(['tests/fake_dists']) >>> pprint([d.name for d in special_dists.get_distributions()]) ['babar', 'choxie', 'towel-stuff', 'grammar'] Distribution properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you have a :class:`Distribution` instance, you can use it to get more information about the distribution. For example: * The ``metadata`` attribute gives access to the distribution's metadata (see :ref:`use-metadata` for more information). * The ``name_and_version`` attribute shows the name and version in the format ``name (X.Y)``. * The ``key`` attribute holds the distribution's name in lower-case, as you generally want to search for distributions without regard to case sensitivity. .. _dist-exports: Exporting things from Distributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each distribution has a dictionary of *exports*. The exports dictionary is functionally equivalent to "entry points" in ``distribute`` / ``setuptools``. The keys to the dictionary are just names in a hierarchical namespace delineated with periods (like Python packages, so we'll refer to them as *pkgnames* in the following discussion). The keys indicate categories of information which the distribution's author wishes to export. In each such category, a distribution may publish one or more entries. The entries can be used for many purposes, and can point to callable code or data. A common purpose is for publishing callables in the distribution which adhere to a particular protocol. To give a concrete example, the `Babel `_ library for internationalisation support provides a mechanism for extracting, from a variety of sources, message text to be internationalised. Babel itself provides functionality to extract messages from e.g. Python and JavaScript source code, but helpfully offers a mechanism whereby providers of other sources of message text can provide their own extractors. It does this by providing a category ``'babel.extractors'``, under which other software can register extractors for their sources. The `Jinja2 `_ template engine, for example, makes use of this to provide a message extractor for Jinja2 templates. Babel itself registers its own extractors under the same category, so that a unified view of all extractors in a given Python environment can be obtained, and Babel's extractors are treated by other parts of Babel in exactly the same way as extractors from third parties. Any installed distribution can offer up values for any category, and a set of distributions (such as the set of installed distributions on ``sys.path``) conceptually has an aggregation of these values. The values associated with a category are a list of strings with the format:: name = prefix [ ":" suffix ] [ "[" flags "]" ] where ``name``, ``prefix``, and ``suffix`` are ``pkgnames``. ``suffix`` and ``flags`` are optional and ``flags`` follow the description in :ref:`flag-formats`. Any installed distribution can offer up values for any category, and a set of distributions (such as the set of installed distributions on ``sys.path``) conceptually has an aggregation of these values. For callables, the ``prefix`` is the package or module name which contains the callable, ``suffix`` is the path to the callable in the module, and flags can be used for any purpose determined by the distribution author (for example, the ``extras`` feature in ``distribute`` / ``setuptools``). This entry format is used in the :ref:`scripts` for installing scripts based on Python callables. Distribution dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can use the ``distlib.locators`` package to locate the dependencies that a distribution has. The ``distlib.database`` package has code which allow you to analyse the relationships between a set of distributions: * :func:`~distlib.database.make_graph`, which generates a dependency graph from a list of distributions. * :func:`~distlib.database.get_dependent_dists`, which takes a list of distributions and a specific distribution in that list, and returns the distributions that are dependent on that specific distribution. * :func:`~distlib.database.get_required_dists`, which takes a list of distributions and a specific distribution in that list, and returns the distributions that are required by that specific distribution. The graph returned by :func:`~distlib.database.make_graph` is an instance of :class:`DependencyGraph`. Using the locators API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: APIs; locators .. currentmodule:: distlib.locators Overview ~~~~~~~~ To locate a distribution in an index, we can use the :func:`locate` function. This returns a potentially downloadable distribution (in the sense that it has a download URL -- of course, there are no guarantees that there will actually be a downloadable resource at that URL). The return value is an instance of :class:`distlib.database.Distribution` which can be queried for any distributions it requires, so that they can also be located if desired. Here is a basic example:: >>> from distlib.locators import locate >>> flask = locate('flask') >>> flask >>> dependencies = [locate(r) for r in flask.run_requires] >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(dependencies) [, , ] >>> The values in the ``run_requires`` property are just strings. Here's another example, showing a little more detail:: >>> authy = locate('authy') >>> authy.run_requires set(['httplib2 (>= 0.7, < 0.8)', 'simplejson']) >>> authy >>> deps = [locate(r) for r in authy.run_requires] >>> pprint(deps) [, ] >>> Note that the constraints on the dependencies were honoured by :func:`locate`. Under the hood ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Under the hood, :func:`~distlib.locators.locate` uses *locators*. Locators are a mechanism for finding distributions from a range of sources. Although the ``pypi`` subpackage has been copied from ``distutils2`` to ``distlib``, there may be benefits in a higher-level API, and so the ``distlib.locators`` package has been created as an experiment. Locators are objects which locate distributions. A locator instance's :meth:`~distlib.locators.Locator.get_project` method is called, passing in a project name: The method returns a dictionary containing information about distribution releases found for that project. The keys of the returned dictionary are versions, and the values are instances of :class:`distlib.database.Distribution`. The following locators are provided: * :class:`DirectoryLocator` -- this is instantiated with a base directory and will look for archives in the file system tree under that directory. Name and version information is inferred from the filenames of archives, and the amount of information returned about the download is minimal. The locator searches all subdirectories by default, but can be set to only look in the specified directory by setting the ``recursive`` keyword argument to ``False``. * :class:`PyPIRPCLocator`. -- This takes a base URL for the RPC service and will locate packages using PyPI's XML-RPC API. This locator is a little slow (the scraping interface seems to work faster) and case-sensitive. For example, searching for ``'flask'`` will throw up no results, but you get the expected results when searching from ``'Flask'``. This appears to be a limitation of the underlying XML-RPC API. Note that 20 versions of a project necessitate 41 network calls (one to get the versions, and two more for each version -- one to get the metadata, and another to get the downloads information). * :class:`~distlib.locators.PyPIJSONLocator`. -- This takes a base URL for the JSON service and will locate packages using PyPI's JSON API. This locator is case-sensitive. For example, searching for ``'flask'`` will throw up no results, but you get the expected results when searching from ``'Flask'``. This appears to be a limitation of the underlying JSON API. Note that unlike the XML-RPC service, only non-hidden releases will be returned. * :class:`~distlib.locators.SimpleScrapingLocator` -- this takes a base URL for the site to scrape, and locates packages using a similar approach to the ``PackageFinder`` class in ``pip``, or as documented in the ``setuptools`` documentation as the approach used by ``easy_install``. * :class:`~distlib.locators.DistPathLocator` -- this takes a :class:`~distlib.database.DistributionPath` instance and locates installed distributions. This can be used with :class:`AggregatingLocator` to satisfy requirements from installed distributions before looking elsewhere for them. .. * :class:`~distlib.locators.JSONLocator` -- this uses an improved JSON metadata schema and returns data on all versions of a distribution, including dependencies, using a single network request. * :class:`~distlib.locators.AggregatingLocator` -- this takes a list of other aggregators and delegates finding projects to them. It can either return the first result found (i.e. from the first aggregator in the list provided which returns a non-empty result), or a merged result from all the aggregators in the list. There is a default locator, available at :attr:`distlib.locators.default_locator`. The ``locators`` package also contains a function, :func:`get_all_distribution_names`, which retrieves the names of all distributions registered on PyPI:: >>> from distlib.locators import get_all_distribution_names >>> names = get_all_distribution_names() >>> len(names) 31905 >>> This is implemented using the XML-RPC API. .. Apart from ``JSONLocator``, None of the locators currently returns enough metadata to allow dependency resolution to be carried out, but that is a result of the fact that metadata relating to dependencies are not indexed, and would require not just downloading the distribution archives and inspection of contained metadata files, but potentially also introspecting setup.py! This is the downside of having vital information only available via keyword arguments to the ``setup()`` call: hopefully, a move to fully declarative metadata will facilitate indexing it and allowing the provision of improved features. The locators will skip binary distributions other than wheels. (``.egg`` files are currently treated as binary distributions). The PyPI locator classes don't yet support the use of mirrors, but that can be added in due course -- once the basic functionality is working satisfactorily. .. _use-index: Using the index API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. currentmodule:: distlib.index .. index:: single: APIs; PyPI You can use the ``distlib.index`` package to perform operations relating to a package index compatible with PyPI. This includes things like registering a project, uploading a distribution or uploading documentation. Overview ~~~~~~~~ You access index functionality through an instance of the :class:`PackageIndex` class. This is instantiated with the URL of the repository (which can be omitted if you want to use PyPI itself):: >>> from distlib.index import PackageIndex >>> index = PackageIndex() >>> index.url 'http://pypi.org/pypi' To use a local test server, you might do this:: >>> index = PackageIndex('http://localhost:8080/') Registering a project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Registering a project can be done using a :class:`~distlib.metadata.Metadata` instance which holds the index metadata used for registering. A simple example:: >>> from distlib.metadata import Metadata >>> metadata = Metadata() >>> metadata.name = 'tatterdemalion' >>> metadata.version = '0.1' >>> # other fields omitted >>> response = index.register(metadata) The :meth:`~distlib.index.PackageIndex.register` method returns an HTTP response, such as might be returned by a call to ``urlopen``. If an error occurs, a :py:class:`~urllib.error.HTTPError` will be raised. Otherwise, the ``response.code`` should be 200. Uploading a source distribution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To upload a source distribution, you need to do the following as a minimum:: >>> metadata = ... # get a populated Metadata instance >>> response = index.upload_file(metadata, archive_name) The :meth:`~distlib.index.PackageIndex.upload_file` method returns an HTTP response or, in case of error, raises an :py:class:`~urllib.error.HTTPError`. Uploading binary distributions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When uploading binary distributions, you need to specify the file type and Python version, as in the following example:: >>> response = index.upload_file(metadata, archive_name, ... filetype='bdist_dumb', ... pyversion='2.6') Signing a distribution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To sign a distribution, you will typically need GnuPG. The default implementation looks for ``gpg`` or ``gpg2`` on the path, but if not available there, you can can explicitly specify an absolute path indicating where the signing program is to be found:: >>> index.gpg = '/path/to/gpg' Once this is set, you can sign the archive before uploading, as follows:: >>> response = index.upload_file(metadata, archive_name, ... signer='Test User', ... sign_password='secret', keystore='/path/to/keys') As an alternative to passing the keystore with each call, you can specify that in an instance attribute:: >>> index.gpg_home = '/path/to/keys' The ``keystore`` is a directory which contains the GnuPG key database (files like ``pubring.gpg``, ``secring.gpg``, and ``trustdb.gpg``). When you sign a distribution, both the distribution and the signature are uploaded to the index. Downloading files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :class:`PackageIndex` class contains a utility method which allows you to download distributions (and other files, such as signatures):: >>> index.download_file(url, destfile, digest=None, reporthook=None) This is similar in function to :py:func:`~urllib.request.urlretrieve` in the standard library. Provide a ``digest`` if you want the call to check that the has digest of the downloaded file matches a specific value: if not provided, no matching is done. The value passed can just be a plain string in the case of an MD5 digest or, if you want to specify the hashing algorithm to use, specify a tuple such as ``('sha1', '0123456789abcdef...')``. The hashing algorithm must be one that's supported by the :mod:`hashlib` module. Benefits to using this method over plain :func:`~urllib.request.urlretrieve` are: * It will use the ``ssl_verifier``, if set, to ensure that the download is coming from where you think it is (see :ref:`verify-https`). * It will compute the digest as it downloads, saving you from having to read the whole of the downloaded file just to compute its digest. Note that the url you download from doesn't actually need to be on the index -- in theory, it could be from some other site. Note that if you have an ``ssl_verifier`` set on the index, it will perform its checks according to whichever ``url`` you supply -- whether it's a resource on the index or not. Verifying signatures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For any archive downloaded from an index, you can retrieve any signature by just appending ``.asc`` to the path portion of the download URL for the archive, and downloading that. The index class offers a :meth:`~distlib.index.PackageIndex.verify_signature` method for validating a signature. If you have files 'good.bin', 'bad.bin' which are different from each other, and 'good.bin.asc' has the signature for 'good.bin', then you can verify signatures like this:: >>> index.verify_signature('good.bin.asc', 'good.bin', '/path/to/keys') True >>> index.verify_signature('good.bin.asc', 'bad.bin', '/path/to/keys') False The last argument, which is optional, specifies a directory which holds the GnuPG keys used for verification -- the *keystore*. Instead of specifying the keystore location in each call, you can specify the location in an instance attribute:: >>> index.gpg_home = '/path/to/keys' If you do this, you don't need to pass the keystore location. Note that if you don't have the ``gpg`` or ``gpg2`` programs on the path, you may need to specify the location of the verifier program explicitly:: >>> index.gpg = '/path/to/gpg' Some caveats about verified signatures ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In order to be able to perform signature verification, you'll have to ensure that the public keys of whoever signed those distributions are in your key store. However, having these keys shouldn't give you a false sense of security; unless you can be sure that those keys actually belong to the people or organisations they purport to represent, the signature has no real value, even if it is verified without error. For you to be able to trust a key, it would need to be signed by someone you trust, who vouches for it -- and this requires there to be either a signature from a valid certifying authority (e.g. Verisign, Thawte etc.) or a `Web of Trust `_ around the keys that you want to rely on. An index may itself countersign distributions (so *it* deals with the keys of the distribution publishers, but you need only deal with the public signing key belonging to the index). If you trust the index, you can trust the verified signature if it's signed by the index. Uploading documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To upload documentation, you need to specify the metadata and the directory which is the root of the documentation (typically, if you use Sphinx to build your documentation, this will be something like ``/docs/_build/html``):: >>> response = index.upload_documentation(metadata, doc_dir) The :meth:`~distlib.index.PackageIndex.upload_documentation` method returns an HTTP response or, in case of error, raises an :class:`~urllib.error.HTTPError`. The call will zip up the entire contents of the passed directory ``doc_dir`` and upload the zip file to the index. Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Operations which update the index (all of the above) will require authenticated requests. You can specify a username and password to use for requests sent to the index:: >>> index.username = 'test' >>> index.password = 'secret' For your convenience, these will be automatically read from any ``.pypirc`` file which you have; if it contains entries for multiple indexes, a ``repository`` key in ``.pypirc`` must match ``index.url`` to identify which username and password are to be read from ``.pypirc``. Note that to ensure compatibility, ``distlib`` uses ``distutils`` code to read the ``.pypirc`` configuration. Thus, given the ``.pypirc`` file:: [distutils] index-servers = pypi test [pypi] username: me password: my_strong_password [test] repository: http://localhost:8080/ username: test password: secret you would see the following:: >>> index = PackageIndex() >>> index.username 'me' >>> index.password 'my_strong_password' >>> index = PackageIndex('http://localhost:8080/') >>> index.username 'test' >>> index.password 'secret' .. _verify-https: Verifying HTTPS connections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although Python has full support for SSL, it does not, by default, verify SSL connections to servers. That's because in order to do so, a set of certificates which certify the identity of the server needs to be provided (see `the relevant Python documentation `_ for details). Support for verifying SSL connections is provided in distlib through a handler, :class:`distlib.util.HTTPSHandler`. To use it, set the ``ssl_verifier`` attribute of the index to a suitably configured instance. For example:: >>> from distlib.util import HTTPSHandler >>> verifier = HTTPSHandler('/path/to/root/certs.pem') >>> index.ssl_verifier = verifier By default, the handler will attempt to match domains, including wildcard matching. This means that (for example) you access ``foo.org`` or ``www.foo.org`` which have a certificate for ``*.foo.org``, the domains will match. If the domains don't match, the handler raises a :class:`~ssl.CertificateError` (a subclass of :class:`ValueError`). Domain mismatches can, however, happen for valid reasons. Say a hosting server ``bar.com`` hosts ``www.foo.org``, which we are trying to access using SSL. If the server holds a certificate for ``www.foo.org``, it will present it to the client, as long as both support `Server Name Indication (SNI) `_. While ``distlib`` supports SNI where Python supports it, Python 2.x does not include SNI support. For this or some other reason , you may wish to turn domain matching off. To do so, instantiate the verifier like this:: >>> verifier = HTTPSHandler('/path/to/root/certs.pem', False) Ensuring that *only* HTTPS connections are made +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You may want to ensure that traffic is *only* HTTPS for a particular interaction with a server -- for example: * Deal with a Man-In-The-Middle proxy server which listens on port 443 but talks HTTP rather than HTTPS * Deal with situations where an index page obtained via HTTPS contains links with a scheme of ``http`` rather than ``https``. To do this, instead of using :py:class:`~urllib.request.HTTPSHandler` as shown above, use the :class:`~distlib.util.HTTPSOnlyHandler` class instead, which disallows any HTTP traffic. It's used in the same way as :py:class:`~urllib.request.HTTPSHandler`:: >>> from distlib.util import HTTPSOnlyHandler >>> verifier = HTTPSOnlyHandler('/path/to/root/certs.pem') >>> index.ssl_verifier = verifier Note that with this handler, you can't make *any* HTTP connections at all - it will raise :py:class:`~urllib.error.URLError` if you try. Getting hold of root certificates +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ At the time of writing, you can find a file in the appropriate format on the `cURL website `_. Just download the ``cacert.pem`` file and pass the path to it when instantiating your verifier. Saving a default configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you don't have a ``.pypirc`` file but want to save one, you can do this by setting the username and password and calling the :meth:`~distlib.index.PackageIndex.save_configuration` method:: >>> index = PackageIndex() >>> index.username = 'fred' >>> index.password = 'flintstone' >>> index.save_configuration() This will use ``distutils`` code to save a default ``.pypirc`` file which specifies a single index -- PyPI -- with the specified username and password. Searching PyPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can use the :meth:`~distlib.index.PackageIndex.search` method of :class:`~distlib.index.PackageIndex` to search for distributions on PyPI:: >>> index = PackageIndex() >>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint(index.search('tatterdema')) [{'_pypi_ordering': 0, 'name': 'tatterdemalion', 'summary': 'A dummy distribution', 'version': '0.1.0'}] If a string is specified, just the name is searched for. Alternatively, you can specify a dictionary of attributes to search for, along with values to match. For example:: >>> pprint(index.search({'summary': 'dummy'})) [{'_pypi_ordering': 5, 'name': 'collective.lorem', 'summary': 'A package that provides dummy content generation.', 'version': '0.2.3'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 7, 'name': 'collective.loremipsum', 'summary': 'Creates dummy content with populated Lorem Ipsum.', 'version': '0.8'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 1, 'name': 'cosent.dummypackage', 'summary': 'A dummy package for buildtools testing', 'version': '0.4'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 0, 'name': 'django-dummyimage', 'summary': 'Dynamic Dummy Image Generator For Django!', 'version': '0.1.1'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 1, 'name': 'django-plainpasswordhasher', 'summary': 'Dummy (plain text) password hashing for Django.', 'version': '0.2'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 2, 'name': 'django-plainpasswordhasher', 'summary': 'Dummy (plain text) password hashing for Django.', 'version': '0.3'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 1, 'name': 'dummycache', 'summary': 'A dummy in-memory cache for development and testing. (Not recommended for production use.)', 'version': '0.0.2'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 0, 'name': 'dummy-txredis', 'summary': 'Dummy txRedis client and factory.', 'version': '0.5'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 7, 'name': 'eea.eggmonkeytesttarget', 'summary': 'A dummy package to test eea.eggmonkey', 'version': '5.7'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 8, 'name': 'invewrapper', 'summary': 'dummy/transitional package that depends on "pew"', 'version': '0.1.8'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 0, 'name': 'monoprocessing', 'summary': 'A dummy implementation of multiprocessing.Pool', 'version': '0.1'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 0, 'name': 'myFun', 'summary': 'This is a dummy function which prints given list data.', 'version': '1.0.0'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 0, 'name': 'ReadableDict-a-dict-without-brackets', 'summary': 'provides a dummy implementation of a dict without brackets', 'version': '0.0'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 4, 'name': 'setuptools_dummy', 'summary': 'Setuptools Dummy Filefinder', 'version': ''}, {'_pypi_ordering': 0, 'name': 'tatterdemalion', 'summary': 'A dummy distribution', 'version': '0.1.0'}] If you specify multiple attributes, then the search returns the intersection of matches -- an ``and`` operation:: >>> pprint(index.search({'summary': 'dummy', 'name': 'ta'})) [{'_pypi_ordering': 7, 'name': 'eea.eggmonkeytesttarget', 'summary': 'A dummy package to test eea.eggmonkey', 'version': '5.7'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 0, 'name': 'tatterdemalion', 'summary': 'A dummy distribution', 'version': '0.1.0'}] If you want a union of matches -- an ``or`` operation -- specify a second argument to the :meth:`PackageIndex.search` method with the value ``'or'``:: >>> pprint(index.search({'version': '2013.9', 'name': 'pytzp'}, 'or')) [{'_pypi_ordering': 65, 'name': 'pytz', 'summary': 'World timezone definitions, modern and historical', 'version': '2013.9'}, {'_pypi_ordering': 2, 'name': 'pytzpure', 'summary': 'A pure-Python version of PYTZ (timezones).', 'version': '0.2.4'}] The search functionality makes use of PyPI's XML-RPC interface, so it will only work for indexes which supply a compatible implementation. The following search attributes are currently supported: * name * version * stable_version * author * author_email * maintainer * maintainer_email * home_page * license * summary * description * keywords * platform * download_url * classifiers (list of classifier strings) * project_url * docs_url (URL of the pythonhosted.org docs if they've been supplied) .. _use-metadata: Using the metadata and markers APIs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: APIs; metadata .. currentmodule:: distlib.metadata The metadata API is exposed through a :class:`Metadata` class. This class can read and write metadata files complying with any of the defined versions: 1.0 (:pep:`241`), 1.1 (:pep:`314`), 1.2 (:pep:`345`), 2.1 (:pep:`566`) and 2.2 (:pep:`643`). It implements methods to parse and write metadata files. Instantiating metadata ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can simply instantiate a :class:`Metadata` instance and start populating it:: >>> from distlib.metadata import Metadata >>> md = Metadata() >>> md.name = 'foo' >>> md.version = '1.0' An instance so created may not be valid unless it has some minimal properties which meet certain constraints, as specified in the `Core metadata specifications `_. These constraints aren't applicable to legacy metadata. Therefore, when creating :class:`Metadata` instances to deal with such metadata, you can specify the ``scheme`` keyword when creating the instance:: >>> legacy_metadata = Metadata(scheme='legacy') The term 'legacy' refers to the version scheme. Whether dealing with current or legacy metadata. an instance's ``validate()`` method can be called to ensure that the metadata has no missing or invalid data. This raises a ``DistlibException`` (either ``MetadataMissingError`` or ``MetadataInvalidError``) if the metadata isn't valid. You can initialise an instance with a dictionary using the following form:: >>> metadata = Metadata(mapping=a_dictionary) Reading metadata from files and streams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :class:`Metadata` class can be instantiated with the path of the metadata file. Here's an example with legacy metadata:: >>> from distlib.metadata import Metadata >>> metadata = Metadata(path='PKG-INFO') >>> metadata.name 'CLVault' >>> metadata.version '0.5' >>> metadata.run_requires ['keyring'] Instead of using the ``path`` keyword argument to specify a file location, you can also specify a ``fileobj`` keyword argument to specify a file-like object which contains the data. Writing metadata to paths and streams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Writing metadata can be done using the ``write`` method:: >>> metadata.write(path='/to/my/pydist.json') You can also specify a file-like object to write to, using the ``fileobj`` keyword argument. Using markers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Markers; evaluating single: Environment markers; evaluating Environment markers are implemented in the ``distlib.markers`` package and accessed via a single function, :func:`~distlib.markers.interpret`. See `PEP 508 `_ for more information about environment markers. The :func:`~distlib.markers.interpret` function takes a string argument which represents a Boolean expression, and returns either ``True`` or ``False``:: >>> from distlib.markers import interpret >>> interpret('python_version >= "1.0"') True .. index:: single: Markers; overriding single: Environment markers; overriding You can pass in a context dictionary which is checked for values before the environment:: >>> interpret('python_version >= "1.0"', {'python_version': '0.5'}) False You won't normally need to work with markers in this way -- they are dealt with by the :class:`~distlib.metadata.Metadata` and :class:`~distlib.database.Distribution` logic when needed. Using the resource API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: APIs; package resources You can use the ``distlib.resources`` package to access data stored in Python packages, whether in the file system or .zip files. Consider a package which contains data alongside Python code:: foofoo ├── bar │   ├── bar_resource.bin │   ├── baz.py │   └── __init__.py ├── foo_resource.bin ├── __init__.py └── nested    └── nested_resource.bin Access to resources in the file system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Resources; in the file system single: Package resources; in the file system You can access these resources like so:: >>> from distlib.resources import finder >>> f = finder('foofoo') >>> r = f.find('foo_resource.bin') >>> r.is_container False >>> r.size 10 >>> r.bytes b'more_data\n' >>> s = r.as_stream() >>> s.read() b'more_data\n' >>> s.close() >>> r = f.find('nested') >>> r.is_container True >>> r.resources {'nested_resource.bin'} >>> r = f.find('nested/nested_resource.bin') >>> r.size 12 >>> r.bytes b'nested data\n' >>> f = finder('foofoo.bar') >>> r = f.find('bar_resource.bin') >>> r.is_container False >>> r.bytes b'data\n' Access to resources in the ``.zip`` files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Resources; in .zip files single: Package resources; in .zip files It works the same way if the package is in a .zip file. Given the zip file ``foo.zip``:: $ unzip -l foo.zip Archive: foo.zip Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 10 2012-09-20 21:34 foo/foo_resource.bin 8 2012-09-20 21:42 foo/__init__.py 14 2012-09-20 21:42 foo/bar/baz.py 8 2012-09-20 21:42 foo/bar/__init__.py 5 2012-09-20 21:33 foo/bar/bar_resource.bin --------- ------- 45 5 files You can access its resources as follows:: >>> import sys >>> sys.path.append('foo.zip') >>> from distlib.resources import finder >>> f = finder('foo') >>> r = f.find('foo_resource.bin') >>> r.is_container False >>> r.size 10 >>> r.bytes 'more_data\n' and so on. Iterating over resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can iterate over resources as shown in the following example:: >>> from distlib.resources import finder >>> f = finder('foofoo') >>> iterator = f.iterator('') >>> for r in iterator: print('%-20s %s' % (r.name, r.is_container)) ... True foo_resource.bin False __init__.py False bar True bar/bar_resource.bin False bar/baz.py False bar/__init__.py False nested True nested/nested_resource.bin False It works with zipped resources, too:: >>> import sys >>> sys.path.append('foo.zip') >>> from distlib.resources import finder >>> f = finder('foo') >>> iterator = f.iterator('') >>> for r in iterator: print('%-20s %s' % (r.name, r.is_container)) ... True foo_resource.bin False __init__.py False bar True bar/bar_resource.bin False bar/baz.py False bar/__init__.py False Using the scripts API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: APIs; script installation .. currentmodule:: distlib.scripts .. index:: single: Scripts; installing You can use the ``distlib.scripts`` API to install scripts. Installing scripts is slightly more involved than just copying files: * You may need to adjust shebang lines in scripts to point to the interpreter to be used to run scripts. This is important in virtual environments (venvs), and also in other situations where you may have multiple Python installations on a single computer. * On Windows, on systems where the :pep:`397` launcher isn't installed, it is not easy to ensure that the correct Python interpreter is used for a script. You may wish to install native Windows executable launchers which run the correct interpreter, based on a shebang line in the script. Specifying scripts to install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Scripts; specifying what to install To install scripts, create a :class:`ScriptMaker` instance, giving it the source and target directories for scripts:: >>> from distlib.scripts import ScriptMaker >>> maker = ScriptMaker(source_dir, target_dir) You can then install a script ``foo.py`` like this: >>> maker.make('foo.py') The string passed to make can take one of the following forms: * A filename, relative to the source directory for scripts, such as ``foo.py`` or ``subdir/bar.py``. * A reference to a callable, given in the form:: name = some_package.some_module:some_callable [flags] where the *flags* part is optional. For more information about flags, see :ref:`flag-formats`. Note that this format is exactly the same as for export entries in a distribution (see :ref:`dist-exports`). When this form is passed to the :meth:`ScriptMaker.make` method, a Python stub script is created with the appropriate shebang line and with code to load and call the specified callable with no arguments, returning its value as the return code from the script. You can pass an optional ``options`` dictionary to the :meth:`~distlib.scripts.ScriptMaker.make` method. This is meant to contain options which control script generation. There are two options currently in use: ``gui``: This Boolean value, if ``True``, indicates on Windows that a Windows executable launcher (rather than a launcher which is a console application) should be used. (This only applies if ``add_launchers`` is true.) ``interpreter_args``: If provided, this should be a list of strings which are added to the shebang line following the interpreter. If there are values with spaces, you will need to surround them with double quotes. .. note:: Use of this feature may affect portability, since POSIX does not standardise how these arguments are passed to the interpreter (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_line#Portability for more information). For example, you can pass ``{'gui': True}`` to generate a windowed script. Wrapping callables with scripts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Scripts; wrapping callables Let's see how wrapping a callable works. Consider the following file:: $ cat scripts/foo.py def main(): print('Hello from foo') def other_main(): print('Hello again from foo') we can try wrapping ``main`` and ``other_main`` as callables:: >>> from distlib.scripts import ScriptMaker >>> maker = ScriptMaker('scripts', '/tmp/scratch') >>> maker.make_multiple(('foo = foo:main', 'bar = foo:other_main')) ['/tmp/scratch/foo', '/tmp/scratch/bar'] >>> we can inspect the resulting scripts. First, ``foo``:: $ ls /tmp/scratch/ bar foo $ cat /tmp/scratch/foo #!/usr/bin/python if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, re def _resolve(module, func): __import__(module) mod = sys.modules[module] parts = func.split('.') result = getattr(mod, parts.pop(0)) for p in parts: result = getattr(result, p) return result try: sys.argv[0] = re.sub('-script.pyw?$', '', sys.argv[0]) func = _resolve('foo', 'main') rc = func() # None interpreted as 0 except Exception as e: # only supporting Python >= 2.6 sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % e) rc = 1 sys.exit(rc) The other script, ``bar``, is different only in the essentials:: $ diff /tmp/scratch/foo /tmp/scratch/bar 16c16 < func = _resolve('foo', 'main') --- > func = _resolve('foo', 'other_main') Specifying a custom executable for shebangs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Scripts; specifying custom executables You may need to specify a custom executable for shebang lines. To do this, set the :attr:`~distlib.scripts.ScriptMaker.executable` attribute of a :class:`ScriptMaker` instance to the absolute Unicode path of the executable which you want to be written to the shebang lines of scripts. If not specified, the executable running the :class:`ScriptMaker` code is used. If the value has spaces, you should surround it with double quotes. You can use the :func:`enquote_executable` function for this. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.1 The :func:`~distlib.scripts.enquote_executable` function was an internal function ``_enquote_executable`` in earlier versions. For relocatable .exe files under Windows, you can specify the location of the python executable relative to the script by putting ** as the beginning of the executable path. Since windows places *python.exe* in the root install directory and the application scripts in the *Scripts* subdirectory, setting ``maker.executable = r"\..\python.exe"`` will allow you to move a python installation which is installed together with an application to a different path or a different machine and the .exe files will still run. Generating variants of a script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Scripts; generating variants When installing a script ``foo``, it is not uncommon to want to install version-specific variants such as ``foo3`` or ``foo-3.2``. You can control exactly which variants of the script get written through the :class:`ScriptMaker` instance's ``variants`` attribute. This defaults to ``set(('', 'X.Y'))``, which means that by default a script ``foo`` would be installed as ``foo`` and ``foo-3.2`` under Python 3.2. If the value of the ``variants`` attribute were ``set(('', 'X', 'X.Y'))`` then the ``foo`` script would be installed as ``foo``, ``foo3`` and ``foo-3.2`` when run under Python 3.2. .. note:: If you need to generate variants for a different version of Python than the one running the :class:`ScriptMaker` code, set the ``version_info`` attribute of the :class:`ScriptMaker` instance to a 2-tuple holding the major and minor version numbers of the target Python version. .. versionadded:: 0.3.1 Avoiding overwriting existing scripts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Scripts; avoid overwriting In some scenarios, you might overwrite existing scripts when you shouldn't. For example, if you use Python 2.7 to install a distribution with script ``foo`` in the user site (see :pep:`370`), you will write (on POSIX) scripts ``~/.local/bin/foo`` and ``~/.local/bin/foo-2.7``. If you then install the same distribution with Python 3.2, you would write (on POSIX) scripts ``~/.local/bin/foo`` and ``~/.local/bin/foo-3.2``. However, by overwriting the ``~/.local/bin/foo`` script, you may prevent verification or removal of the 2.7 installation to fail, because the overwritten file may be different (and so have a different hash from what was computed during the 2.7 installation). To control overwriting of generated scripts this way, you can use the :attr:`~distlib.scripts.ScriptMaker.clobber` attribute of a :class:`~distlib.scripts.ScriptMaker` instance. This is set to ``False`` by default, which prevents overwriting; to force overwriting, set it to ``True``. Generating windowed scripts on Windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Scripts; windowed The :meth:`~distlib.scripts.ScriptMaker.make` and :meth:`~distlib.scripts.ScriptMaker.make_multiple` methods take an optional second ``options`` argument, which can be used to control script generation. If specified, this should be a dictionary of options. Currently, only the value for the ``gui`` key in the dictionary is inspected: if ``True``, it generates scripts with ``.pyw`` extensions (rather than ``.py``) and, if ``add_launchers`` is specified as ``True`` in the :class:`~distlib.scripts.ScriptMaker` instance, then (on Windows) a windowed native executable launcher is created (otherwise, the native executable launcher will be a console application). Using the version API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: APIs; version .. currentmodule:: distlib.version Overview ~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Versions; overview The :class:`NormalizedVersion` class implements a :pep:`440` compatible version:: >>> from distlib.version import NormalizedVersion >>> v1 = NormalizedVersion('1.0') >>> v2 = NormalizedVersion('1.0a1') >>> v3 = NormalizedVersion('1.0b1') >>> v4 = NormalizedVersion('1.0c1') >>> v5 = NormalizedVersion('1.0.post1') >>> These sort in the expected order:: >>> v2 < v3 < v4 < v1 < v5 True >>> You can't pass any old thing as a version number:: >>> NormalizedVersion('foo') Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "distlib/version.py", line 49, in __init__ self._parts = parts = self.parse(s) File "distlib/version.py", line 254, in parse def parse(self, s): return normalized_key(s) File "distlib/version.py", line 199, in normalized_key raise UnsupportedVersionError(s) distlib.version.UnsupportedVersionError: foo >>> Matching versions against constraints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Versions; matching The :class:`NormalizedMatcher` is used to match version constraints against versions:: >>> from distlib.version import NormalizedMatcher >>> m = NormalizedMatcher('foo (1.0b1)') >>> m NormalizedMatcher('foo (1.0b1)') >>> [m.match(v) for v in v1, v2, v3, v4, v5] [False, False, True, False, False] >>> Specifying ``'foo (1.0b1)'`` is equivalent to specifying ``'foo (==1.0b1)'``, i.e. only the exact version is matched. You can also specify inequality constraints:: >>> m = NormalizedMatcher('foo (<1.0c1)') >>> [m.match(v) for v in v1, v2, v3, v4, v5] [False, True, True, False, False] >>> and multiple constraints:: >>> m = NormalizedMatcher('foo (>= 1.0b1, <1.0.post1)') >>> [m.match(v) for v in v1, v2, v3, v4, v5] [True, False, True, True, False] >>> You can do exactly the same thing as above with ``setuptools``/ ``distribute`` version numbering (use ``LegacyVersion`` and ``LegacyMatcher``) or with semantic versioning (use ``SemanticVersion`` and ``SemanticMatcher``). However, you can't mix and match versions of different types:: >>> from distlib.version import SemanticVersion, LegacyVersion >>> nv = NormalizedVersion('1.0.0') >>> lv = LegacyVersion('1.0.0') >>> sv = SemanticVersion('1.0.0') >>> lv == sv Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "distlib/version.py", line 61, in __eq__ self._check_compatible(other) File "distlib/version.py", line 58, in _check_compatible raise TypeError('cannot compare %r and %r' % (self, other)) TypeError: cannot compare LegacyVersion('1.0.0') and SemanticVersion('1.0.0') >>> nv == sv Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "distlib/version.py", line 61, in __eq__ self._check_compatible(other) File "distlib/version.py", line 58, in _check_compatible raise TypeError('cannot compare %r and %r' % (self, other)) TypeError: cannot compare NormalizedVersion('1.0.0') and SemanticVersion('1.0.0') >>> .. _use-wheel: Using the wheel API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: APIs; wheel .. currentmodule:: distlib.wheel You can use the ``distlib.wheel`` package to build and install from files in the Wheel format, defined in :pep:`427`. Building wheels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: pair: building; wheels Building wheels is straightforward:: from distlib.wheel import Wheel wheel = Wheel() # Set the distribution's identity wheel.name = 'name_of_distribution' wheel.version = '0.1' # Indicate where the files to go in the wheel are to be found paths = { 'prefix': '/path/to/installation/prefix', 'purelib': '/path/to/purelib', # only one of purelib 'platlib': '/path/to/platlib', # or platlib should be set 'scripts': '/path/to/scripts', 'headers': '/path/to/headers', 'data': '/path/to/data', } wheel.dirname = '/where/you/want/the/wheel/to/go' # Now build wheel.build(paths) If the ``'data'``, ``'headers'`` and ``'scripts'`` keys are absent, or point to paths which don't exist, nothing will be added to the wheel for these categories. The ``'prefix'`` key and one of ``'purelib'`` or ``'platlib'`` *must* be provided, and the paths referenced should exist. Customising tags during build ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: wheels; custom tags when building By default, the :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.build` method will use default tags depending on whether or not the build is a pure-Python build: * For a pure-Python build, the ``pyver`` will be set to ``pyXY`` where ``XY`` is the version of the building Python. The ``abi`` tag will be ``none`` and the ``arch`` tag will be ``any``. * For a build which is not pure-Python (i.e. contains C code), the ``pyver`` will be set to e.g. ``cpXY``, and the ``abi`` and ``arch`` tags will be set according to the building Python. If you want to override these default tags, you can pass a ``tags`` parameter to the :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.build` method which has the tags you want to declare. For example, for a pure build where we know that the code in the wheel will be compatible with the major version of the building Python:: from wheel import PYVER tags = { 'pyver': [PYVER[:-1], PYVER], } wheel.build(paths, tags) This would set the ``pyver`` tags to be ``pyX.pyXY`` where ``X`` and ``Y`` relate to the building Python. You can similarly pass values using the ``abi`` and ``arch`` keys in the ``tags`` dictionary. Specifying a wheel's version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also specify a particular "Wheel-Version" to be written to the wheel metadata of a wheel you're building. Simply pass a (major, minor) tuple in the ``wheel_version`` keyword argument to :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.build`. If not specified, the most recent version supported is written. Installing from wheels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: pair: installing; wheels Installing from wheels is similarly straightforward. You just need to indicate where you want the files in the wheel to be installed:: from distlib.wheel import Wheel from distlib.scripts import ScriptMaker wheel = Wheel('/path/to/my_dist-0.1-py32-none-any.whl') # Indicate where the files in the wheel are to be installed to. # All the keys should point to writable paths. paths = { 'prefix': '/path/to/installation/prefix', 'purelib': '/path/to/purelib', 'platlib': '/path/to/platlib', 'scripts': '/path/to/scripts', 'headers': '/path/to/headers', 'data': '/path/to/data', } maker = ScriptMaker(None, None) # You can specify a custom executable in script shebang lines, whether # or not to install native executable launchers, whether to do a dry run # etc. by setting attributes on the maker, either when creating it or # subsequently. # Now install. The method accepts optional keyword arguments: # # - A ``warner`` argument which, if specified, should be a callable that # will be called with (software_wheel_version, file_wheel_version) if # they differ. They will both be in the form (major_ver, minor_ver). # # - A ``lib_only`` argument which indicates that only the library portion # of the wheel should be installed - no scripts, header files or # non-package data. wheel.install(paths, maker) Only one of the ``purelib`` or ``platlib`` paths will actually be written to (assuming that they are different, which isn't often the case). Which one it is depends on whether the wheel metadata declares that the wheel contains pure Python code. Verifying wheels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: pair: verifying; wheels You can verify that a wheel's contents match the declared contents in the wheel's ``RECORD`` entry, by calling the :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.verify` method. This will raise a :class:`~distlib.DistlibException` if a size or digest mismatch is found. Modifying wheels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: pair: modifying; wheels .. note:: In an ideal world one would not need to modify wheels, but in the short term there might be a need to do so (for example, to add dependency information which is missing). If you are working with wheels on your own projects, you *shouldn't* use the method described here, as you will have full control of the wheels you build yourself. However, if you are working with third party wheels which you don't build yourself but you need to modify in some way, then the approach described below might be useful. You can update existing wheels with ``distlib`` by calling the :meth:`~Wheel.update` method of a wheel. This is called as follows:: modified = wheel.update(modifier, dest_dir, **kwargs) where the ``modifier`` is a callable which you specify, and ``kwargs`` are options you want to pass to it (currently, the :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.update` method passes ``kwargs`` unchanged to the ``modifier``). The ``dest_dir`` argument indicates where you want any new wheel to be written - it is optional and if not specified, *the existing wheel will be overwritten*. The :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.update` method extracts the entire contents of the wheel to a temporary location, and then calls ``modifier`` as follows:: modified = modifier(path_map, **kwargs) where ``path_map`` is a dictionary mapping archive paths to the location of the corresponding extracted archive entry, and ``kwargs`` is whatever was passed to the ``update`` method. If the modifier returns ``True``, a new wheel is built from the (possibly updated) contents of ``path_map`` and its path name. The passed ``path_map`` will contain all of the wheel's entries other than the ``RECORD`` entry (which will be recreated if a new wheel is built). For example, if you wanted to add ``numpy`` as a dependency in a ``scipy`` wheel, you might do something like this:: def add_numpy_dependency(path_map, **kwargs): mdpath = path_map['scipy-0.11.dist-info/pydist.json'] md = Metadata(path=mdpath) md.add_requirements(['numpy']) md.write(path=mdpath) return True wheel = Wheel('scipy-0.11-py27-abi3-linux_x86_64.whl') wheel.update(add_numpy_dependency) In the above example, the modifier doesn't actually use ``kwargs``, but you could pass useful information which can be used to control the modifier's operation. For example, you might make the function work with other distributions than ``scipy``, or other versions of ``scipy``:: def add_numpy_dependency(path_map, **kwargs): name = kwargs.get('name', 'scipy') version = kwargs.get('version', '0.11') key = '%s-%s.dist-info/pydist.json' % (name, version) mdpath = path_map[key] md = Metadata(path=mdpath) md.add_requirements(['numpy']) md.write(path=mdpath) return True Mounting wheels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: wheels; mounting One of Python's perhaps under-used features is ``zipimport``, which gives the ability to import Python source from ``.zip`` files. Since wheels are ``.zip`` files, they can sometimes be used to provide functionality without needing to be installed. Whereas ``.zip`` files contain no convention for indicating compatibility with a particular Python, wheels *do* contain this compatibility information. Thus, it is possible to check if a wheel can be directly imported from, and the wheel support in ``distlib`` allows you to take advantage of this using the :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.mount` and :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.unmount` methods. When you mount a wheel, its absolute path name is added to ``sys.path``, allowing the Python code in it to be imported. (A :class:`~distlib.DistlibException` is raised if the wheel isn't compatible with the Python which calls the :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.mount` method.) The :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.mount` method takes an optional keyword parameter ``append`` which defaults to ``False``, meaning the a mounted wheel's pathname is added to the beginning of ``sys.path``. If you pass ``True``, the pathname is appended to ``sys.path``. The :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.mount` method goes further than just enabling Python imports -- any C extensions in the wheel are also made available for import. For this to be possible, the wheel has to be built with additional metadata about extensions -- a JSON file called ``EXTENSIONS`` which serialises an extension mapping dictionary. This maps extension module names to the names in the wheel of the shared libraries which implement those modules. Running :meth:`~distlib.wheel.Wheel.unmount` on the wheel removes its absolute pathname from ``sys.path`` and makes its C extensions, if any, also unavailable for import. .. note:: The C extension mounting functionality may not work in all cases, though it should work in a useful subset of cases. Use with care. Note that extension information is currently only available in wheels built using ``distil`` -- for wheels built using e.g. ``pip``, this note will not apply, because C extensions will never be available for import. * There might be subtle differences in binary compatibility between the extension and the running Python, because the compatibility tag framework currently does not capture all the relevant ABI information. This is a situation which can be expected to improve over time. * If the extension uses custom dynamically linked libraries which are bundled with the extension, it may not be found by the dynamic loading machinery, for reasons that are platform-dependent. In such cases, you should have a good understanding of how dynamic loading works on your platforms, before taking advantage of this feature. Using vanilla pip to build wheels for existing distributions on PyPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although work is afoot to add wheel support to ``pip``, you don't need this to build wheels for existing PyPI distributions if you use ``distlib``. The following script shows how you can use an unpatched, vanilla ``pip`` to build wheels:: #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2013 Vinay Sajip. License: MIT # import logging import optparse # for 2.6 import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile logger = logging.getLogger('wheeler') from distlib.compat import configparser, filter from distlib.database import DistributionPath, Distribution, make_graph from distlib.locators import (JSONLocator, SimpleScrapingLocator, AggregatingLocator, DependencyFinder) from distlib.manifest import Manifest from distlib.metadata import Metadata from distlib.util import parse_requirement, get_package_data from distlib.wheel import Wheel EGG_INFO_RE = re.compile(r'(-py\d\.\d)?\.egg-info', re.I) INSTALLED_DISTS = DistributionPath(include_egg=True) def get_requirements(data): lines = [] for line in data.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == '#': continue lines.append(line) reqts = [] extras = {} result = {'install': reqts, 'extras': extras} for line in lines: if line[0] != '[': reqts.append(line) else: i = line.find(']', 1) if i < 0: raise ValueError('unrecognised line: %r' % line) extra = line[1:i] extras[extra] = reqts = [] return result def convert_egg_info(libdir, prefix, options): files = os.listdir(libdir) ei = list(filter(lambda d: d.endswith('.egg-info'), files))[0] olddn = os.path.join(libdir, ei) di = EGG_INFO_RE.sub('.dist-info', ei) newdn = os.path.join(libdir, di) os.rename(olddn, newdn) if options.compatible: renames = {} else: renames = { 'entry_points.txt': 'EXPORTS', } excludes = set([ 'SOURCES.txt', # of no interest in/post WHEEL 'installed-files.txt', # replaced by RECORD, so not needed 'requires.txt', # added to METADATA, so not needed 'PKG-INFO', # replaced by METADATA 'not-zip-safe', # not applicable ]) files = os.listdir(newdn) metadata = mdname = reqts = None for oldfn in files: pn = os.path.join(newdn, oldfn) if oldfn in renames: os.rename(pn, os.path.join(newdn, renames[oldfn])) else: if oldfn == 'requires.txt': with open(pn, 'r') as f: reqts = get_requirements(f.read()) elif oldfn == 'PKG-INFO': metadata = Metadata(path=pn) pd = get_package_data(metadata.name, metadata.version) metadata = Metadata(mapping=pd['index-metadata']) mdname = os.path.join(newdn, 'pydist.json') if oldfn in excludes or not options.compatible: os.remove(pn) if metadata: # Use Metadata 1.2 or later metadata.provides += ['%s (%s)' % (metadata.name, metadata.version)] # Update if not set up by get_package_data if reqts and not metadata.run_requires: metadata.dependencies = reqts metadata.write(path=mdname) manifest = Manifest(os.path.dirname(libdir)) manifest.findall() paths = manifest.allfiles dp = DistributionPath([libdir]) dist = next(dp.get_distributions()) dist.write_installed_files(paths, prefix) def install_dist(distname, workdir, options): pfx = '--install-option=' purelib = pfx + '--install-purelib=%s/purelib' % workdir platlib = pfx + '--install-platlib=%s/platlib' % workdir headers = pfx + '--install-headers=%s/headers' % workdir scripts = pfx + '--install-scripts=%s/scripts' % workdir data = pfx + '--install-data=%s/data' % workdir # Use the pip adjacent to sys.executable, if any (for virtualenvs) d = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) files = filter(lambda o: o in ('pip', 'pip.exe'), os.listdir(d)) if not files: prog = 'pip' else: prog = os.path.join(d, next(files)) cmd = [prog, 'install', '--no-deps', '--quiet', '--index-url', 'http://pypi.org/simple/', '--timeout', '3', '--default-timeout', '3', purelib, platlib, headers, scripts, data, distname] result = { 'scripts': os.path.join(workdir, 'scripts'), 'headers': os.path.join(workdir, 'headers'), 'data': os.path.join(workdir, 'data'), } print('Pipping %s ...' % distname) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout, _ = p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise ValueError('pip failed to install %s:\n%s' % (distname, stdout)) for dn in ('purelib', 'platlib'): libdir = os.path.join(workdir, dn) if os.path.isdir(libdir): result[dn] = libdir break convert_egg_info(libdir, workdir, options) dp = DistributionPath([libdir]) dist = next(dp.get_distributions()) md = dist.metadata result['name'] = md.name result['version'] = md.version return result def build_wheel(distname, options): result = None r = parse_requirement(distname) if not r: print('Invalid requirement: %r' % distname) else: dist = INSTALLED_DISTS.get_distribution(r.name) if dist: print('Can\'t build a wheel from already-installed ' 'distribution %s' % dist.name_and_version) else: workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # where the Wheel input files will live try: paths = install_dist(distname, workdir, options) paths['prefix'] = workdir wheel = Wheel() wheel.name = paths.pop('name') wheel.version = paths.pop('version') wheel.dirname = options.destdir wheel.build(paths) result = wheel finally: shutil.rmtree(workdir) return result def main(args=None): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] requirement [requirement ...]') parser.add_option('-d', '--dest', dest='destdir', metavar='DESTDIR', default=os.getcwd(), help='Where you want the wheels ' 'to be put.') parser.add_option('-n', '--no-deps', dest='deps', default=True, action='store_false', help='Don\'t build dependent wheels.') options, args = parser.parse_args(args) options.compatible = True # may add flag to turn off later if not args: parser.print_usage() else: # Check if pip is available; no point in continuing, otherwise try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f: p = subprocess.call(['pip', '--version'], stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except Exception: p = 1 if p: print('pip appears not to be available. Wheeler needs pip to ' 'build wheels.') return 1 if options.deps: # collect all the requirements, including dependencies u = 'http://pypi.org/simple/' locator = AggregatingLocator(JSONLocator(), SimpleScrapingLocator(u, timeout=3.0), scheme='legacy') finder = DependencyFinder(locator) wanted = set() for arg in args: r = parse_requirement(arg) if not r.constraints: dname = r.name else: dname = '%s (%s)' % (r.name, ', '.join(r.constraints)) print('Finding the dependencies of %s ...' % arg) dists, problems = finder.find(dname) if problems: print('There were some problems resolving dependencies ' 'for %r.' % arg) for _, info in problems: print(' Unsatisfied requirement %r' % info) wanted |= dists want_ordered = True # set to False to skip ordering if not want_ordered: wanted = list(wanted) else: graph = make_graph(wanted, scheme=locator.scheme) slist, cycle = graph.topological_sort() if cycle: # Now sort the remainder on dependency count. cycle = sorted(cycle, reverse=True, key=lambda d: len(graph.reverse_list[d])) wanted = slist + cycle # get rid of any installed distributions from the list for w in list(wanted): dist = INSTALLED_DISTS.get_distribution(w.name) if dist or w.name in ('setuptools', 'distribute'): wanted.remove(w) s = w.name_and_version print('Skipped already-installed distribution %s' % s) # converted wanted list to pip-style requirements args = ['%s==%s' % (dist.name, dist.version) for dist in wanted] # Now go build built = [] for arg in args: wheel = build_wheel(arg, options) if wheel: built.append(wheel) if built: if options.destdir == os.getcwd(): dest = '' else: dest = ' in %s' % options.destdir print('The following wheels were built%s:' % dest) for wheel in built: print(' %s' % wheel.filename) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)-8s %(name)s %(message)s', filename='wheeler.log', filemode='w') try: rc = main() except Exception as e: print('Failed - sorry! Reason: %s\nPlease check the log.' % e) logger.exception('Failed.') rc = 1 sys.exit(rc) This script, ``wheeler.py``, is also available `here `_. Note that by default, it downloads dependencies of any distribution you specify and builds separate wheels for each distribution. It's smart about not repeating work if dependencies are common across multiple distributions you specify:: $ python wheeler.py sphinx flask Finding the dependencies of sphinx ... Finding the dependencies of flask ... Pipping Jinja2==2.6 ... Pipping docutils==0.10 ... Pipping Pygments==1.6 ... Pipping Werkzeug==0.8.3 ... Pipping Sphinx==1.1.3 ... Pipping Flask==0.9 ... The following wheels were built: Jinja2-2.6-py27-none-any.whl docutils-0.10-py27-none-any.whl Pygments-1.6-py27-none-any.whl Werkzeug-0.8.3-py27-none-any.whl Sphinx-1.1.3-py27-none-any.whl Flask-0.9-py27-none-any.whl Note that the common dependency -- ``Jinja2`` -- was only built once. You can opt to not build dependent wheels by specifying ``--no-deps`` on the command line. Note that the script also currently uses an http: URL for PyPI -- this may need to change to an https: URL in the future. .. note:: It can't be used to build wheels from existing distributions, as ``pip`` will either refuse to install to custom locations (because it views a distribution as already installed), or will try to upgrade and thus uninstall the existing distribution, even though installation is requested to a custom location (and uninstallation is not desirable). For best results, run it in a fresh venv: $ my_env/bin/python wheeler.py some_dist It should use the venv's ``pip``, if one is found. .. _use-manifest: Using the manifest API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. index:: single: APIs; manifest .. currentmodule:: distlib.manifest You can use the ``distlib.manifest`` API to construct lists of files when creating distributions. This functionality is an improved version of the equivalent functionality in ``distutils``, where it was not a public API. You can create instances of the :class:`Manifest` class to work with a set of files rooted in a particular directory:: >>> from distlib.manifest import Manifest >>> manifest = Manifest('/path/to/my/sources') This sets the :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.base` attribute to the passed in root directory. You can add one or multiple files using names relative to the base directory:: >>> manifest.add('abc') >>> manifest.add_many(['def', 'ghi']) As a result of the above two statements, the manifest will consist of ``'/path/to/my/sources/abc'``, ``'/path/to/my/sources/def'`` and ``'/path/to/my/sources/ghi'``. No check is made regarding the existence of these files. You can get all the files below the base directory of the manifest:: >>> manifest.findall() This will populate the :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.allfiles` attribute of ``manifest`` with a list of all files in the directory tree rooted at the base. However, the manifest is still empty:: >>> manifest.files >>> set() You can populate the manifest -- the :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.files` attribute -- by running a number of *directives*, using the :meth:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.process_directive` method. Each directive will either add files from :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.allfiles` to :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.files`, or remove files from :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.allfiles` if they were added by a previous directive. A directive is a string which must have a specific syntax: malformed lines will result in a :class:`~distlib.DistlibException` being raised. The following directives are available: they are compatible with the syntax of ``MANIFEST.in`` files processed by ``distutils``. Consider the following directory tree:: testsrc/ ├── keep │   └── keep.txt ├── LICENSE ├── README.txt └── subdir ├── lose │   └── lose.txt ├── somedata.txt └── subsubdir └── somedata.bin This will be used to illustrate how the directives work, in the following sections. The ``include`` directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Manifest; including files This takes the form of the word ``include`` (case-sensitive) followed by a number of file-name patterns (as used in ``MANIFEST.in`` in ``distutils``). All files in :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.allfiles` matching the patterns (considered relative to the base directory) are added to :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.files`. For example:: >>> manifest.process_directive('include R*.txt LIC* keep/*.txt') This will add ``README.txt``, ``LICENSE`` and ``keep/keep.txt`` to the manifest. The ``exclude`` directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Manifest; excluding files This takes the form of the word ``exclude`` (case-sensitive) followed by a number of file-name patterns (as used in ``MANIFEST.in`` in ``distutils``). All files in :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.files` matching the patterns (considered relative to the base directory) are removed from :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.files`. For example:: >>> manifest.process_directive('exclude LIC*') This will remove 'LICENSE' from the manifest, as it was added in the section above. The ``global-include`` directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Manifest; including files globally This works just like ``include``, but will add matching files at all levels of the directory tree:: >>> manifest.process_directive('global-include *.txt') This will add ``subdir/somedata.txt`` and ``subdir/lose/lose.txt`` from the manifest. The ``global-exclude`` directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Manifest; excluding files globally This works just like ``exclude``, but will remove matching files at all levels of the directory tree:: >>> manifest.process_directive('global-exclude l*.txt') This will remove ``subdir/lose/lose.txt`` from the manifest. The ``recursive-include`` directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Manifest; including files recursively This directive takes a directory name (relative to the base) and a set of patterns. The patterns are used as in ``global-include``, but only for files under the specified directory:: >>> manifest.process_directive('recursive-include subdir l*.txt') This will add ``subdir/lose/lose.txt`` back to the manifest. The ``recursive-exclude`` directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Manifest; excluding files recursively This works like ``recursive-include``, but excludes matching files under the specified directory if they were already added by a previous directive:: >>> manifest.process_directive('recursive-exclude subdir lose*') This will remove ``subdir/lose/lose.txt`` from the manifest again. The ``graft`` directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Manifest; grafting directories This directive takes the name of a directory (relative to the base) and copies all the names under it from :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.allfiles` to :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.files`. The ``prune`` directive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: Manifest; pruning directories This directive takes the name of a directory (relative to the base) and removes all the names under it from :attr:`~distlib.manifest.Manifest.files`. Next steps ---------- You might find it helpful to look at information about :ref:`internals` -- or peruse the :ref:`reference`.